Would you be able to convince a non Christian that same sex marriage is wrong without using the bible?

At the most basic level, a Christian is someone who confesses that Christ is “Lord” — He is our ultimate authority in our beliefs, practices, values and worldview.

But how do we know what our Lord expects of us?

Jesus gave us first his Word, the Bible. Just as importantly, he gave us the Spirit, through whom we can understand his Word. Next, he also gave us the Church, the wise people in the past and present, who can teach us and correct our understanding.

A non-Christian does not accept the validity of the first (the Bible), denies the existence of the second (the Spirit), and rejects the counsel of the third (the Church).

This means that there is such a vast difference in beliefs, practices, values and worldview between a Christian and a non-Christian that it would not be possible for one to convince the other that they are wrong about any topic, especially on the sensitive topic of sexuality. With or without the Bible, a Christian would not be able to move the minds of people who serve a different Lord than us.

What we can try to do, is to show them that we treat all people as being made in God’s image, worthy of respect, dignity and love. We do this while standing firm on Scripture which says that all sexual arrangements outside of God’s ideal of one-man-one-woman-for-life goes against God’s design for humanity, sexuality, and human flourishing.


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